Join our community of monthly donors who are removing barriers for TSD student athletes to access opportunities that would otherwise be inaccessible due to financial need.
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The Student Athlete Fund removes barriers for Thompson School District student athletes to access opportunities that would otherwise be inaccessible because of financial need. The Student Athlete Fund is intended as a last resort to fill gaps or shortfalls when other funding sources can’t meet the full need of the opportunity and are intended to level the playing field for our student athletes.
This fund fills gaps where other funding sources don’t fulfill the full need of the opportunity.
The opportunities can be local, in-state, or out of state.
Opportunities must be Thompson School District approved.
Support from this fund is intended for individual students, not teams or groups as a whole, but can provide the opportunity for an individual student to participate in a team or group activity.
District, school, or coaching staff must recommend student athletes to receive support.
Gifts will be in the range of $50-$250 with possible exceptions for opportunities up to $750.
Funding amount and purpose will be determined by TSD Director of Athletics and Activities.
Examples of opportunities include:
Registration fees for activities and sports
Letter Jackets
Personal athletic gear (e.g., track shoes, soccer cleats, mouth guards, etc.)
Practice items (e.g., practice suits, gloves, etc.)